Brian Stelter LOSES in ratings to reruns of The Golden Girls, Spongebob, Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol as Americans switch off fake news CNN
Brian Stelter LOSES in ratings to reruns of The Golden Girls, Spongebob, Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol as Americans switch off fake news CNN
Full Bertolino statement:
"Chris and Roberta Laundrie went to the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park this morning to search for Brian. The FBI and NPPD were informed last night of Brian’s parents’ intentions and they met Chris and Roberta there this morning…
…After a brief search off a trail that Brian frequented some articles belonging to Brian were found. As of now law enforcement is conducting a more thorough investigation of that area."
Brian Laundrie found?
Tents set up now