>>14819745 PB
>Most schoolboys are not paid positions. It's elected, but on a voluntary basis.
Most school board members own a business and do it for political reasons.
>>14819745 PB
>Most schoolboys are not paid positions. It's elected, but on a voluntary basis.
Most school board members own a business and do it for political reasons.
It is my understanding that they might get a stipend of some sort but it's not their actual job.
My sisterโin-law worked for the Township and she told me that they do it for the political edge.
They seem to always try bribery first.
If that doesn't work, they resort to coercion, threats, and blackmail, etc.
teachers are going to be pissed off that they didn't get $500 for getting the clot shot.
Their unions failed them.
Maybe they will wake up and realize that the teacher unions aren't really there to protect them.
Their union dues goes to support the DNC.
School Districts have way too much control over people's everyday lives.
They need to be gutted.
Take education out of the hands of the government.
There are always casualties in war.
Is the commander directly responsible for the death of every soldier?
Who killed the soldier, the commander or the enemy?
I was thinking same.
I broke my jaw when I was 13.
It was a big deal, required surgery by an oral surgeon.
Had my mouth wired shut for 6 weeks.
6 weeks on a liquid diet.
Probably means he played while his jaw was wired.
The Public School System is a Socialist system.
Education needs to be taken out of the government's hands.
>Parents raise children better than anyone
God designed families.
Government Schools are designed to fragment families.
I might be way off base with my thinking, but my brain goes way into left field sometimes.
This vax stuff is setting up a precedent.
If they can get away with the force vax, then the medical community, CDC, WHO, NIH can pretty much do whatever they want to us.
This is where we need to stand our ground.
We need to put up our hands and say "no"
It might not be the vax that kills the kids, but what will they come up with next that will kill the kids? That will kill all of us? We know that's what they want. They want to reduce 90% of the population. Is this just their way of getting their foot into our door?
If we don't stand up now. The next time we won't be able to stand up.
What puts people in fighting mode better than protecting their kids?
We anons knew from the get-go that COVID stood for Certificate of Vaccination ID
That control was really what it was all about.
We are now just watching it all play out.
Why is it in all caps?
What does POT stand for?
Plenty Of Time?
Piece Of Trash?
Could mean many things.