This should be spread far and wide.
Video killed the meme star.
NP has that nobody home look like HRC in the suv. These people are obviously fucked. Probable on the floor when no ones looking.
"We can't find Afghanistan on da map. Where the fuckarewe."
The Club. They want it all. Money addicts, Drug addicts and Fuck addicts.
Of course. How'd I leave that out. They have a weakness though. Small in numbers.
Works on stains?
Trump suckered? Please. If by chance he was suckered he would have figured that out in years 1-4. Was he suckered by many around him. Of course. It's the swamp.
No one gets the US Presidency without powerful backing forces. So what you need to figure out is who that is. Because they're still there. And working 24x7x365.
Your humor is weak. Try kung fu.
He's a Trump appointee. The other side wants control back.
Former communist countries are the biggest resisters to someone taking their freedom. Because they have experience.
His life would be in danger.
Complacency due to life experience.