Joey's going on and on, making shit up about the old days he can't remember. It's not a joke. It's the gods' truth. His nickname was ba ba blackbird, boys would beat him up, but they would bet hurt. That's not a joke. It's the gods' truth. Need that big vaudeville stage hook to appear and hook his demented ass off stage.
Who TF wrote this speech? Who TF ordered this speech to be written? Got to be the dumbest speech an American President has ever made. God help us. We have idiots in charge and they are doing what idiots do,
Not only that. Everyone listening knows he's a terrible liar. Count how many times he says: It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole,
Haha. That's the exact thought that popped into my mind as I was typing the post anon. o7
Anon's spent much time with enemy forces. Was a scout on enemy's propaganda arm. Have to say, listening to Joey right now, not a joke, is the most boring thing scoutanon has done. Report: They done. They got nothing.
Speaking of which, what percentage of broadcasters on all television programs have been victimized as young children? I'm guessing 80%
>is that what all attention whores have in common?
NO! There are attention whores who are most likely psychopaths. Then we have television anchors (news, late night, etc.), you know, that's who we are talking about here. What % do of then do you think are victims of child abuse? (btw: it's the elite psychopaths who do the abusing and take control).
Yep. What about Wolf Blitzer, Joy Reid, Jake Tapper, Erin Burnett, Fredo Cuomo, Chris Hayes, Rachael Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Wallace ( I could go on and on, get into ESPN too). What % of them were victims of child abuse?