old farthead telling lies from the WAR
decades of leadership
same ole story
inbreeding tales
old farthead telling lies from the WAR
decades of leadership
same ole story
inbreeding tales
supply chain stuttering halting to a grinding halt is a sign of progressiveism
switched on fox – so bad , went back to communism in disrepair msdnc
laughable if afghanistan had not just been lost, no - tragically abandoned and left as a failure state - to this global agenda of building back better democracies
millie woke ptsd army program voluntary submission for anything you're chosen for
organ doning
slave labot
pee pee drink
poo poo food
all paid for - no really - not a lie
biden admin policies = natural world wide disaster ELE
what are we doing?
going on now on his pet pig project when he was five in his bathrooom tub with uncle playing rub rub with blonde hairs and a telescope
hey joe - how many environmetal jobs have you created?
how many jobs have you killed?
not a joke, how many?