Anonymous ID: 0fe9fc Oct. 20, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.14823033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3051 >>3159 >>3382 >>3420 >>3670 >>3673 >>3746

Leaked Audio Reveals DOJ Officials MOCKING Americans Who Oppose Vaccines On Religious Grounds — ‘They Aren’t Sincere’


Last night, newly leaked audio from a Department of Justice officer reveals the contempt they have for religious Americans.


In a phone call with the White House on enforcing the vaccine mandate with federal employees, a DOJ official mockingly suggests that religious exemption requests over the use of aborted fetal cell testing with COVID vaccines are not sincere:


They begrudgingly explain to the White House that even if the exemption request by a government employee is “not sincere” or “sincere but not religious,” they will still have to take the requester’s word that it is a truly held belief.


But not in all cases, he says, as he relays how some hospitals are challenging these requests by arguing that Tylenol, Tums, and Preparation H also had aborted fetal cell testing.


It sounds like the DOJ official is saying that it’s going to be difficult to deny an exemption like this in most cases, but they should give it a good old college try.


Listen to the audio for more…


This morning Posobiec wrote that the Biden administration is freaking out about who is leaking this:


Here’s a few responses to the audio:




Anti-religionReligious FreedomReligious Libertyvaccine hesitancyvaccine police


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Anonymous ID: 0fe9fc Oct. 20, 2021, 4:51 p.m. No.14823057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3099 >>3190 >>3420 >>3670 >>3673 >>3746

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The H1B Conspiracy is true in big tech. Why Hire Americans? When you can Hire H1B Visa holders for 1/6th the price

Anonymous ID: 0fe9fc Oct. 20, 2021, 4:58 p.m. No.14823107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3342 >>3420 >>3670 >>3673 >>3746

‘It’s crap’: Victorian study claiming mandatory masks stopped second wave shredded by experts


A “world-first” Australian study into face masks has been ripped to shreds as “very, very low quality”, with questions over how it was even published.


A “world-first” Australian study which Victoria’s government has held up as proof its mandatory face mask policy worked is riddled with basic errors and should never have been published in a major journal, medical researchers and experts say.


Victoria first made face masks mandatory outside the home in Melbourne during its second coronavirus wave in July 2020, but the Department of Health and Human Services has been unable to provide any scientific research or studies upon which the decision was made.


Instead, DHHS directed to a paper published in July this year by the Burnet Institute – an influential public health body which has come under fire in recent months for its alarmist predictions – as justification for the mandate which has resulted in thousands of dollars in fines for Victorians.


The study claimed the mandatory face mask rule had turned the pandemic “almost overnight”.


“There has been a lot of low-quality research that has come out in the pandemic, but for this to be used as a basis for a policy change is staggering,” said Dr Kyle Sheldrick, a medical researcher and PhD candidate at the University of NSW.


‘I agree, it’s crap’


Dr Sheldrick was one of a group of independent scientists who recently highlighted major issues in a number of studies held up by proponents of the drug ivermectin to treat Covid-19.


“To me it’s very clear this has not had a close peer review, partly because of the serious and substantive issues, but [also] it just clearly hasn’t been proofread,” he said.


“When I look at this particular piece of research, it is very, very low quality. I was staggered to see this was published by a major journal.”


Another researcher, an eminent Australian clinician and scientist who spoke on the condition of anonymity, was equally scathing.


“I agree, it’s crap,” he said.


“It’s extremely lightweight. I think it’s a totally feeble article. It doesn’t have a rigorous methodology and it is weak in its scientific inference. I’ve been around a long time – I teach how you do clear thinking, I teach how you do reproducible science. I’m a bit of a stickler for these things.”


Dr Sheldrick said despite its obvious flaws, very few scientists would be willing to publicly call out the study.


“Not just in relation to this paper but in general I think there has been a reluctance to criticise research and to criticise public health interventions [during the pandemic] and to be seen as a wrecker,” he said.


“Unfortunately there is a culture in science which sees criticising other researchers or research as something fundamentally bad – that we should be presenting a united front to laypeople.”

Anonymous ID: 0fe9fc Oct. 20, 2021, 5:03 p.m. No.14823135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3420 >>3670 >>3673 >>3746

Rotherham Child Sex Abuse Scandal Looms Over Loudoun County


The extreme political correctness that caused the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal has led to a similar dereliction of duty in Loudoun County.


By now, much of the country has heard of Loudoun County, Virginia, where a skirt-wearing “gender fluid” male student allegedly raped a girl in the bathroom and was then quietly transferred to another school where he allegedly sexually assaulted another girl, all while the school board forced a transgender bathroom policy on unsuspecting parents.


Much of the country has also heard of Scott Smith, the father of the first girl who was allegedly raped. The story of Smith’s arrest at a now-infamous Loudoun County school board meeting in June, where he attempted to confront the school board about the sexual assault on his daughter, has been widely covered.


Those who have been following this story also know how Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler lectured parents at that meeting who were concerned about a proposed bathroom policy that would allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that “correspond to their consistently asserted gender identity.”


Those concerns, Ziegler said, were misplaced. He falsely claimed, “To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” and later cited a 2016 Time magazine article calling the issue of transgender students committing assaults in bathrooms a “red herring.” This was just weeks after Smith’s daughter had been reportedly raped in a girls’ bathroom by a transgender student.


Now, the plot thickens. According to a report from The Daily Wire last week, Loudoun County Public Schools have failed to report sexual assaults in its district for years as required under Virginia state law, which also requires that sexual assaults be reported to the superintendent. So not only did Ziegler lie to parents when he said he had no knowledge of any sexual assaults in the bathrooms, but the school district itself lied to the Virginia Department of Education when it reported that Stone Bridge High School, where Smith’s daughter was allegedly raped in May, had no record of any sexual assaults in the 2020-21 school year.


Smith and his wife are filing a lawsuit against the school district. A group of Loudoun County teachers are also suing the school district over the new transgender student policy. A school board member resigned last week amid a recall effort that’s targeting the entire school board. The story is still developing, and new details will certainly come to light in the days and weeks to come.


But stepping back from the details, one wonders how this could even happen in a civilized country. It seems too disgusting and outlandish to be true. School board members and a school superintendent, possibly a principal as well, all covering up a sexual assault by a transgender student because it would hamper their efforts to pass an extremist transgender bathroom policy?


But it is true, and it is not without precedent. Criminal coverups arising from a toxic mixture of cowardice and political correctness have happened before, and one in particular can help us understand what’s happening now in Loudoun County, Virginia, and why.

Anonymous ID: 0fe9fc Oct. 20, 2021, 5:27 p.m. No.14823297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3328 >>3373



Condoleezza Rice argues eloquently against Critical Race Theory on 'The View,' and liberals go on the attack


Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice eloquently argued on "The View" against Critical Race Theory being taught in public schools and her critics lashed out on social media over it.


Rice made the comments while a guest on the show Wednesday while discussing the role of parents in the curriculum being taught in public schools.


"I come out of an academic institution, and this is something that academics debate, what is the role of race and so forth," said Rice.


"And let me be very clear, I grew up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, I couldn't go to a movie theater or to a restaurant with my parents. I went to segregated schools until we moved to Denver," she added.


"My parents never thought that I was going to grow up in a world without prejudice, but they also told me, 'that's somebody's else's problem not yours, you're going to overcome it, and you are going to be anything you want to be,'" Rice explained.


"And that's the message that I think we ought to be sending to kids," she said to some applause from the audience.


"One of the worries that I have, about the way that we're talking about race, is that it either seems so big that somehow white people now have to feel guilty for everything that happened in the past, I don't think that's very productive," Rice continued.


"Or black people have to feel disempowered by race. I would like black kids to be completely empowered, to know that they are beautiful in their blackness, but in order to do that, I don't have to make white kids feel bad for being white," she said to more applause from the audience.


"So somehow, this is a conversation that has gone in the wrong direction," she concluded.


Joy Behar immediately challenged Rice to prove her claims when co-host Sara Haines rattled off a list of incidents where racial teaching in public schools tilted too far to one side.

'Caping for white supremacy'


Many on the left immediately took to social media to criticize Rice and her comments.


"Disappointed to hear Condoleezza Rice still caping for white supremacy and embarrassed to hear her lean into disinformation," said one critic.


"Some people are shocked by some of the comments made by Condoleezza Rice on The View today. Why do people always think a leopard will change it's spots?" said another detractor.


"Condoleezza Rice's dedication to white comfort at all costs is…something," read one popular tweet.


"So let me get this straight, Black kids already feel bad knowing that this country enslaved their ancestors and treat them as less than but Condoleezza Rice is worried about how white kids feel when teaching racial history???" responded another critic.


"Wow. Did not expect Condoleezza Rice on #TheView to be a supporter of white fragility," said another.


Rice angered others during a previous guest appearance when she said that she defended the Second Amendment based on her experiences with racism growing up in the South.