absolute trash
cartels need to be drone striked
absolute trash
cartels need to be drone striked
you fucking elitist
yup military is fucked
zoomers who can't even change a tire, playing fortnite in bct and another female recording it while the di is trying to get their attention and looking like they're straight out of meps is pretty fucking weak
i still remember when they first introduced allowing cell phones in bct and everyone said it was a bad idea
go on with your bad self little snowflake
you're the type of faggot who allows the rise of trannies to make it to top brass positions because "everyone is special in their own way"
most likely also a proponent of fucking participation trophies as well
A delusion is a fixed belief that is not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or some other misleading effects of perception, as individuals with those beliefs are able to change or readjust their beliefs upon reviewing the evidence.
cannon fodder
>we hate socialists!
>hey, sign up for this social media site so everyone can share their feelings!