Just keep sucking. Not my job to inform you of Jack shit. You're not smart enough to understand it anyway
been watching it all morning. insane
I believe the volume can largely attributed to Trump supporters wanting to own a piece of this thing
No. Much can also be attributed to people who know where this is going if they've been paying any attention at all.
Trump doesn't have to do anything underhanded - he is going to defeat them all with this new venture. it won't stop with truthsocial or Trump+
Maybe he will even end up buying Twitter
I'm buying popcorn
Touchy touchy - sorry your widdle feewings got hurted
Watch it soar as savvy money invests in our GEOTUS - and then eat a bag of dicks
It might sound weird, but believe it or not a person can make one point without missing other points.
That said, it is pretty cool that Trump is going to use We The People to beat big tech while also benefitting We The People, and likely making a few or more of We The People wealthy in the process
Love me some Trump
They have frozen it. i can't keep up. it is now $24.29
UN-frizen it, damn it