Between Pompeo's Dog and the Number 17, I figured I'd post this story in my local Podunk news.
Mercer County commissioners agree to repair 17 bridges
by: Jennifer Rodriguez, Taylor Long
Posted: Oct 19, 2021 / 04:02 PM EDT / Updated: Oct 20, 2021 / 04:50 PM EDT
MERCER CO., Pa. (WKBN) – A new project in Mercer County will allow 17 county-owned bridges to be repaired.
Mercer County commissioners passed three resolutions to bundle the bridges for repairs due to the decay of the structures.
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The project is broken up into three groups, according to Brad Elder, Mercer County’s bridge engineer.
“The first set was a couple of bridges that were in worse condition that have similar problems, and we’re gonna try to get those done, kind of the same way. So they’re bundled together to get done fast and similarly,” Elder said.
The second group will consist of seven bridges that are older, near 100 years old, and deteriorating.
The third group will focus on bridges that have been affected by weather conditions over the years.
“Each project takes its own path, so to speak. There’s lots of steps in a bridge project, but by bundling them this way into three different groups, we can really multi-task,” Elder said.
The 17 bridges are all still open.
“I think that first set of three bridges, at least one of those, if not two, are close to needing closed, and what that means is the weight limits are coming down. We don’t like to see the weight limits too low,” Elder said.
There is no current timeline for construction on the bridges and Elder said the county is currently working on several other projects.
“So internally here, we have 11 projects that we are currently doing construction activity on. We’re just doing different things that are needed at different sites to get more life out of them,” Elder said.
In total, Elder said the preliminary efforts to get this project started are roughly $2 million, but the exact total for the entire project is not yet known. Each bridge should cost around $125,000, according to officials.
Elder said funding for the project will come from the county’s general funds.
County leaders say this is something that needs to be taken care of.
“We’ll start by going through the permitting process and checklists and just kind of what are all the criteria or challenges at particular sites,” Elder said.
Below is a list of each bridge that will be repaired and where they are located:
0000 – Harrisville Road in Worth Township
0101 – Halfway Road in Greene Township
1111 – Carpenter Road in New Vernon Township
0213 – Ko Road in Sugar Grove Township
0613 – Creek Road in French Creek Township
0702 – Wise Road in West Salem Township
0724 – Cossitt Road in West Salem Township
1602 – Stock Farm Road in Lake Township
2104 – North Cottage Road in Jackson Township
2111 – Hosack Road in Jackson Township
2113 – South Foster Road in Jackson Township
2209 – Creek Road in Worth Township
2337 – Spencer Avenue in Sharon
2339 – Service Avenue in Sharon
2603 – Oakland Road in Findley Township
2904 – Bend Road in Wilmington Township
3017 – Tower Road in Springfield Township