Bros. I do like beers, though.
We got any folio or stapler people in the house? If we got any deskpad people, sound off.
El Casco staplers, Mont Blanc fountains, and Bosca Leather.
>>14832129 (Me)
We got any breakfast nuggets people?
>>14832137 (me)
Who's the first to ask Alec, "What
t's up, killer?"
Alec murded they ass. Got murdelized.
Why's that fat dog turd even handling a gun? Isn't he a Democrat gun control guy?
So the producer was doing a comeo or something?
>>14832169 (me)
Or did he park in Alec's spot?
There was no excuse with Brandon Lee. After that there even more no excuse. Death penalty for Alec Bladwin.
Someone told someone to load 'em up real.
Will Alec be on SNL this weekend?
Couldn't have happened to a better person.
Cue up all his "gun control" statements. Then one would ask why he's glorifying guns in his act. Then Brandon Lee wants to know why it happened again. There's no excuse to any of it.
I guarantee you that Toots is PISSED!
They shouldn't need even prop guns in movies. Should be all about two fags having a kid, Trans people being awesome, etc. Etc.
So If someone else loads the gun and I shoot somebody, I can just say I thought it was blanks? "We were shooting a movie!"
>>14832288 (me)
Why haven't more people used that?
Can we legally shoot blanks at Alec?
>>14832300 (me)
And if we can't, can Toots? He's a cat.
Murder is now legal.
"I thought you loaded blanks!"
"I thought you loaded it."
Accident. Every murder. We were shooting a movie.
Toots ain't gonna put up with this shit.
Hey, fag.
They're gonna be able to figure out when Patriots go to be by that plateau.
I dont even want to buy, I just want to donate $100.
You guys think POTUS made MEME stocks happen and thennnnnnn comes out with a stonk?
How do we donate to Trump's stonk?
I'll mail cash.