Any of you fuckers wish to screw with my personal liberties shall meet with the sharp end of my petard. That is all. God bless you and have a nice day.
Bleed out. Whatever, So far past that point.
Chinks built the railroad, kek.
fuck grammerly
do not substitute ambition for cognition,
In as much as we pray so, Then it shall be manifest.
History isn't kind to men who play God. Let me henceforth bleed your leaches. kek
Go ahead. Fuck up.
United States is about to reactivate.
I'm nervous. M y bones are clicking like dice on a Reno crap table.
Where are all these otherwise motherfuckers? Every time anon says something they try to twist it, My prayer to God is that anon meets these fuckers on the field of open combat. Anon prays to God through Jesus that you fuckers wakey.
You are begging me to pronounce a curse? Are you not?
Then shall so it be. You and yours are destined to live on the side of a rather insignificant hill all your days. So be it in the name of God and through Jesus.