theme for the day
The funny thing is that she tries to seduce me as a snowbunny. fucking fascnating not.
You. Creeps.Learn. Fuckers.
Talk to me bastards.
A stare of war has been declared by cowards. This is why anon pays no reason, Flexibility is the obvious advantage. Now wake the fuck up and be a hero. Zero Mostel fucker.
So far past what you guys started out as.
Ride the range.
Take a look around.
Pig would serve mission better by poasting current E-6 status. Just sayin:.
free ice cream and helium!
How do any of you fuckers propose to walk this thing back? A sincerely earnest conversation is desired. Yet can whether all storms.
Self serving satan circling bitch. be done with yo self.
Not often I get to walk the the talk. But it looks like tonight is is the night.ANON IS THRILLED. Go ahead I'm liable to spooge on you. kek.
dear God evrey time anon walks in an anon fight. Anon puts one's head down in the name of Jesus. So anon just wanted to say thank you Jesus.