I've been watching a channel on YouTube (Gutn Tog) since he is on La Palma covering the volcano. I also watched him for his coverage of the Icelandic volcano (he is an Icelander). One thing that has him very puzzled is, why does the volcano (on La Palma) stay relatively quiet during the day and then get very active at night.
Then I come on here today and see that the EQ's are in a grid pattern. My question is this: these recurring EQ's in the grid pattern, are they mainly occurring at night?
And more questions: Could our gov't (or another?) be trying to cause a giant tsunami to crash coasts along the Atlantic? Do they have the technology to control/cause volcanoes to erupt at will?
Having seen the level of wickedness involving the vaxxes and scamdemic, I know if they have the tech to blow a volcano, they will. I won't insult actual sick people by calling those people sick, no, they are EVIL.