Anonymous ID: 75ba39 Oct. 23, 2021, 10:17 p.m. No.14846020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6063 >>6101

I love this Man

Lin Wood If you believe as I do that the attempted theft of the 2020 election was a necessary step toward one world government (Communism), do you really believe the Communists are going to let the true Patriots fix the nation in whole or part in 2022???


Nah. Heck if the Commies thought We The People had ANY chance to regain lost ground in the 2022 election, the Commies would just come up with another fear virus and postpone or cancel the election by executive order.

The Godless Commies are not going backwards, they are going forward with their plan to overthrow our Constitution and replace freedom with tyranny.


We The People are the ones who must go backwards and FIX 2020. That is the only available option if we are to FIX OUR NATION going forward.

Any other approach is mere fool’s play. 22:29


Lin Wood By the way, if our state legislatures enact voter ID, paper ballots counted by supervised trained personnel, and fingerprint confirmation and verification, I will be the first in line to vote in 2022. And in 2024

Of course, the legislatures are not going to do that, are they? Because that would be an admission that 2020 was fraudulent.

Wake up! Communists have infiltrated and control almost every branch of local, state, and federal government. And the judiciary.


Do you think the Communists are going to provide We The People with an honest vote in 2022???

If you do, you need to go back and study Communism after you purchase some oceanfront property in Arizona.

Our country has been taken over by Communism without firing a shot.

We must identify the Communists and get them out of government. And keep more from getting in government in the future. FIX 2020. 23:20


Lin Wood I cannot go back and forth will ALL who want to debate whether we should vote in 2022.


If we FIX 2020 and institute paper ballots, I will vote. If those things do not happen, I will not vote. No more Dominion or mail-in ballots for me! Fool me once. You will not fool me again.

I am focused on FIXING 2020.

But, hey, I am just an American who thought until 2020 that our elections were honest.

Don’t ask me what to do. Make up your own mind.


But you might get some good advice from people who have faced that same question while citizens of a Communist country. Like Venezuela. Ask them if they bother to vote in a rigged election. If they did, ask them how that worked out for them. I bet people of principle in Venezuela did not vote. The unprincipled who did vote, wasted their time.


Let me know what you learn! American citizens need to WAKE UP!!! 23:40

Read 'em all:


First impulse was to post George Strait’s “Ocean Front Property” but listened to this — Zach Williams - To The Table (Acoustic)

Anonymous ID: 75ba39 Oct. 23, 2021, 11 p.m. No.14846185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231


As someone whose love of dogs began this great wakeup some 15 years ago, asking to please not be distracted with this apect of the crimes - Crimes Against Humanity being perpretrated by the Communists.


Examine within.

Look to MARS (junk food) pet "care" and not just what, but WHO they literally OWN while keeping in mind dogs' teeth, jaws, anatomy/physiology/biological makeup.


After that, ask ourselves why, when they vomit, the "food" (primarily kibble) always comes up whole or barely "shattered". Then go back again and observe their teeth, jaws as they chew (straight up and down ONLY); their anatomy/physiology/biolog…

No debating it. NO different than wolves or other canids.


Try eating a corn ship without jaws going sideways. Keep those jaws straight up and down. Just try it, remembering that humans at least have flat molars in back for grinding, while a carnivore's teeth is for shearing (meat), gnawing raw bones.


Frick, cats are even more screwed; Strict carnivore, low natural thirst drive. ANYthing vomiting so frequently is NOT NORMAL.


We (especially strictly-cat people, as opposed to those who like all animals) are conditioned to have our pets replace humans - humans which have become as disposable as the chynese crap people love so much – as opposed to respecting these species for what they are.


This frauchi stuff is a DISTRACTION. MARS pet"care" and its "property" (employees) do more animal abuse each single day while consumers still trust it ALL despite never being able to pin down why their damned animals suffer chronic/recurring "allergies", "rashes", "crystals", blockages, DIABETES 2….. Sure, put it on Insulin without ever considering eliminating the CARBS and feeding a species-appropriate diet…because there are BAGS at those vets' offices to be sold, dammit.


It's all about EMOTION and not logic anymore. They play our EMOTION every second of every day.