Aug 4, 2011 12:44:51 PM America's debt officially became 100% of our GDP on @BarackObama's 50th birthday—coincidence? [TweetDeck]
Aug 4, 2011 12:44:51 PM America's debt officially became 100% of our GDP on @BarackObama's 50th birthday—coincidence? [TweetDeck]
Aug 15, 2011 12:36:47 PM @BarackObama played golf yesterday. Now he heads to a 10 day vacation in Martha's Vineyard. Nice work ethic. [TweetDeck
Sep 2, 2011 01:27:03 PM Fast and Furious put semi-automatics in the hands of Mexican drug lords that killed Americans - @BarackObama should answer all questions. [TweetDeck]
Sep 7, 2011 12:37:17 PM Why was @BarackObama selling guns to Mexican drug dealers? [TweetDeck
Sep 8, 2011 12:23:42 PM China is happy to learn that @BarackObama plans to borrow another $300 Billion. @BarackObama is their favorite client. [TweetDeck]
Sep 27, 2011 02:32:23 PM It seems @BarackObama had our tax dollars buy guns for Mexican drug lords that were used to kill Americans. We need answers now. [TweetDeck]
Jan 12, 2012 04:13:05 PM An Iranian nuclear scientist's car exploded in Tehran yesterday–lots of problems to come–@BarackObama –we need real leadership. [Twitter Web Client]
Jan 30, 2012 03:39:30 PM The Islamists are taking over Egypt through the election. http://t.co/QczymGts Why did @BarackObama force Mubarak out? He was an ally. [Twitter Web Client]
Jan 31, 2012 02:35:51 PM The Muslim Brotherhood, @BarackObama's allies in Egypt, will cancel the Camp David Agreement. http://t.co/Vzswqker What a disaster! [Twitter Web Client]
Feb 14, 2012 02:45:58 PM @BarackObama's budget funds the "Arab Spring" with $800B and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt $1.3B in military aid. He loves radical Islam. [Twitter Web Client]
@realdonaldtrump (a classic)
Mar 12, 2012 10:34:12 AM When I was 18, people called me Donald Trump. When he was 18, @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. Weird. [TwitLonger Beta]
Mar 13, 2012 03:55:03 PM The day after @BarackObama blocks a Texas voter photo ID law, @JamesOkeefeIII exposes more dead people getting ballots http://t.co/hTCMSDP5 [Twitter Web Client]