Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 8:18 p.m. No.14852144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2147 >>2160 >>2162 >>2163 >>2171 >>2227 >>2237 >>2359 >>2377 >>2394 >>2421 >>2442 >>2572 >>2644 >>2716 >>2754

Anons, check this shit out…also…youtube vid will be linked to next post…


Celion Dion crippled, cancels tour




breathing black dust particles in some babies' faces transforms them and gives them a cute little shirt that says'new order'on it


What the FUCK is this satanic, new order, freemason bullshit…

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 8:37 p.m. No.14852250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2282


>Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs


That's disturbing when our Congress gets involved with "OUR" taxdollars and doesn't say a fucking word about it…I'm guessing that if they were transparent about it…we would have already been up in arms about it…sneaky…sneaky…bastards all of them!!!

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 8:46 p.m. No.14852281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dare i say they got more balls on them then our guys who can't see that our Country has been taken over by the Deep State Cabal and they can't get off their asses to protect the citizens they swore to protect…hats off to those gents…

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.14852492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540 >>2565 >>2567


At the end of the movie "On deadly ground" with Stephen Seagal…he rants on about how we are behind about 50 years…here is the ending dialog…now mind you…this movie came out in 1994…27 years ago…


Ending Notes on a movie called "On Deadly Ground" plus personal notes!!!


27 years ago!!!!! How much has changed???




I'd like to start off by saying…thank the brothers and sisters who've come here today…representing this cause.


I've been asked to speak to you and the press about the injustices brought against us…by some government officials and big business.


"How many of you out there have heard of alternative engines… engines that can run on anything from alcohol to garbage or water? Or carburetors that can get hundreds of miles to the gallon? Or electric or magnetic engines that can practically run forever?"

You don't know about them, because if they were to come into use…they'd put the oil companies out of business.


The concept of the internal combustion engine has been obsolete for over 50 years. But because of the oil cartels and corrupt government regulation…we and the rest of the world have been forced to use gasoline for over 100 years.


Big business is primarily responsible for destroying…the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat. They have no care for the world they destroy…only for the money they make in the process.


How many oil spills can we endure? Millions and millions of gallons of oil…are destroying the ocean and the many forms of life it supports. Among these is plankton, which supplies 60 to 90% of the earth's oxygen. It supports the entire marine ecosystem…which forms the basis of our planet's food supply.


But the plankton is dying. I thought, "Well, let's go to some remote state or country…"anywhere on earth."


But in doing a little research, I realized…that these people broker toxic waste all over the world. They basically control the legislation and, in fact, they control the law. The law says no company can be fined over $25,000 a day.


If a company's making $10 million a day…by dumping lethal toxic waste into the ocean…it's only good business to continue doing this. They influence the media so that they can control our minds. They've made it a crime to speak out for ourselves. If we do so, we're called conspiracy nuts and we're laughed at.


We're angry because we're all being chemically and genetically damaged…and we don't even realize it.


Unfortunately, this will affect our children. We go to work each day and right under our noses…we see our car and the car in front of us spewing noxious, poisonous gases…that are all accumulative poisons.These poisons kill us slowly, even when we see no effect.


How many of us would've believed if we were told 20 years ago…that on a certain day we wouldn't be able to see 50 feet in front of us… that we wouldn't be able to take a deep breath…because the air would be a mass of poisonous gas.


That we couldn't drink out of our faucets…that we'd have to buy water out of bottles. Our most common and God-given rights have been taken away from us.


Unfortunately…the reality of our lives is so grim that nobody wants to hear it. I've been asked what we can do. I think we need a responsible body of people that can actually represent us…rather than big business.


This body of people must not allow…the introduction of anything into our environment that is not biodegradable…or able to be chemically neutralized


Finally, as long as there's profit to be made from the polluting of our earth…companies and individuals will continue to do what they want.


We have to force these companies to operate safely and responsibly…with all our best interests in mind, so that when they don't…


We can take back our resources and our hearts and our minds, and do what's right!!!

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 10:23 p.m. No.14852627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2630 >>2645 >>2682 >>2754


Sound of Freedom with Jim Caviezel…I think it keeps getting pushed back…January 2022 now…


An upcoming film you won’t hear about in MSM/Hollywood.


The true story of Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel) who quit his job at The Department of Homeland Security to help save the lives of thousands of children from human trafficking.






The story of Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), a former US government agent, who quits his job in order to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers. Tim Ballard in front of the Senate.


My Forecast is this is going to be a BLOCKBUSTER of a movie.

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 10:28 p.m. No.14852645   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All the money forfeited from the capture of the Deep States assets should be used as reward money for the heads(only) of those that traffic children and to the children rescued to restore a life for them…

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 10:34 p.m. No.14852672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


hey, anything is possible…but with this one, i'm not feeling it…only time will tell…she is a masonic freemason…if she dies…I couldn't care-a-less…

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 10:43 p.m. No.14852711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2775


there are about 100 sensors on that volcano…each sensor is what you are reading…some are a lot closer and some farther so the reading are different…I know…I know…they should all register the same but they don't for some reason…

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 10:51 p.m. No.14852743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Line all the Political(from Congress to Fauci to everyone at the CDC/FDA/Pharma…etc…) mutha fuckers in a line and ask them which VAXX they would like and watch ALL of them say…NO…I DON'T WANT TO GET VAXX'd…because I'm betting NONE of them got the "REAL VAXX" from any of the three companies…

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 11:04 p.m. No.14852800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2824


I'm not positive but this post from 4chan seems to make sense…since the USGS is a complete fuckery…


here look for yourself if it make sense to you…


/pol/ Anonymous ID:nNi89l2P Sun 26 Sep 2021 11:30:01 No.340958678 ViewReport


i think they are either scared to let us know what is going on, or someone in power is telling them to censor all info and data on purpose.


i found the original sat view of the island lift, its on a site that has been studying La Palma for thirty years since like 1994 i believe.They have hundreds of sensors all over the island, they routinely do satellite updates showing whats moving on the island its mapped out with extreme precision(grid pattern). After the 20th, the map showing the current lift was deleted from the site and nothing new has been uploaded at the last time i checked the day before yesterday. This along with USGS not reporting a single earthquake within 500 miles of the canary islands ever since the earthquakes started on the 12th is all i needed to see to know we are intentionally being withheld of info, they don't want us to know.

Anonymous ID: c175f7 Oct. 24, 2021, 11:09 p.m. No.14852819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ok…then don't believe us at 8kun…try some of these sites…we have nothing to do with them to sway your decision or opinion…if you need a text post…I'll try to get one for you…