CNN talking about human trafficking at Facebook/insta
That's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you.
Fuck you FOX. Spending a segment on Hunter's art. How about the fucking laptops, you shill fucks?
Rand Paul being interviewed on OAN. Stepping on Fauci's nuts hard.
>I think trump and his new company will end up buying cnn, nbc, abc, msdnc , shitter and fakebook when all is said and done.
that would be amazing
I hope that this eventually breaks the backs of big social. I think it will. o7
I hope he makes billions and they all cry. He was the first President to speak directly to us (not down to us) in my lifetime. I knew he wouldn't be silenced for long. o7
Good. Very good.
"How can you support a billionaire making more billions when you're broke as fuck?"
Because he's a patriot and I admire success and don't envy it.
They're pointing the finger directly at Pompeo.
Pompeo says negative.
I'm just posting the other side. I'm pretty fucking sick of all of them.