Anonymous ID: 4ff3bc May 20, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.1486019   🗄️.is 🔗kun



FINALLY be strong in the LORD and in the POWER of HIS MIGHT

To withstand the fiery darts of the wicked!


Yes, the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) which is so powerful and swift that it cuts between the marrow and the bone.


Righteousness prevails!

Justice reigns!

Anonymous ID: 4ff3bc May 20, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.1486264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our prayer:


Psalm 83

God, do not keep silent.
 Do not be deaf, God;

do not be idle.

See how Your enemies make an uproar;

those who hate You have acted arrogantly.

They devise clever schemes against Your people;

they conspire against Your treasured ones.

They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
 so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.”

For they have conspired with one mind;

they form an alliance against You—


13 Make them like tumbleweed, my God,

like straw before the wind.

14 As fire burns a forest,

as a flame blazes through mountains,

15 so pursue them with Your tempest

and terrify them with Your storm.

16 Cover their faces with shame

so that they will seek Your name Yahweh.

17 Let them be put to shame and terrified forever;

let them perish in disgrace.

18 May they know that You alone—

whose name is Yahweh—

are the Most High over all the earth.