In wine there is wisdom
In beer there is freedom
In water there is bacteria
Elections are rigged anyways.
Why is anyone even bothering to vote anymore?
What a fucking joke.
This actor sure is doing a good job playing the role of an asshole.
Their depopulation scheme is working.
>Well, I can't say i'm very Christian
You are either a Christian or you are not.
There is no in between.
It is like being pregnant, you either are or you aren't.
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you are a Christian.
I felt the same way.
I had to hand my anger over to God.
He knows the hearts and minds of all people.
He knows what's going on.
I got that advice from an anon about a month or so ago and it has really helped.
He suggested saying a prayer every morning to let go of my anger.
So that's what I've been doing.
I literally lay in bed when I wake up and say, "God, I'm handing this anger over to you" and I feel a sense of calm and relief before I start my day.
Bless you, fren
This kind of bless you