Pelosi sycophants who clap and cheer for her, are the stupidest people in Earth. She don’t get out much.
Pelosi sycophants who clap and cheer for her, are the stupidest people in Earth. She don’t get out much.
Why would he need to be President, if he had access and voice broadcasting from an honest media outlet?
Why would she need people to “Vote” for her if she enjoys the benefits of fraudulent elections?
Hilarious with the independent droopy lids, and wandering eyeballs.
She leading the charge for her constituents to open up high rise city agriculture and sidewalk vegetable stands, using ‘night soil’.
He did try very hard to walk a peaceful path to deal with the heinous crime. By that, he has SHOWN lots of people that the Justice System can not be relied upon. Not saying this is good or bad for him and his daughter, but lots more people know and understand now what would have otherwise been swept under the rug.
Not sure I follow what you’re saying… that the rape was faked, and he’s just pretending about it all. Funnynotfunnyfunny, when he was first arrested, loads of people said he was plant to provoke violence. Now people are saying he’s a splash of cold water to cool off the evergrowing angry crowd?
Is he asking for an apology for his daughter’s rape, or asking for an apology for being maligned as a “Domestic Terrorist” for being mad that his daughter was raped and nothings really been done about it?
Kind of a big difference.
I do not know Mr. Smith personally, but i do live in the neighborhood. The heightened awareness in this neighborhood, about so many things in the last year and a half, but especially about the rotten School System is indescribable. That Mr. Smith is still walking free at the moment is YUGE. People everywhere talk about this, and the fundamental problems going on with DoE, local county Supervisors, LEOs, public works of all sorts.
Everyone (i say that because I haven’t heard some even TRY otherwise) is completely disgusted that he was maligned as-if a Domestic Terrorist.
I too have had VERY heated exchanges with some LEOs about this stuff. Giving Them the first benefit-of-doubt (not knowing with certainty if any are ‘with’ [them] or not), I insist on apologies from them first for not doing their jobs, AND second thankyous to me for not losing my cool yet and smashing in their faces with any available furniture.
So far, we continue to have much much more conversation toward solutions… and less and less potentially violent confrontations. This is an overall good, even though thisanon has a barely contained rage for ripping bodies to spreads.
Just Say’n
Like [their] fake utube subscribers.
Like their PCR testing
Like the fake hospital statistics
Like their mandates
Like their fraudulent Elections
[they] eat their own shit, tell themselves it tastes great, and most of them and theirs Believe it.