Caught On Hot Mic, Pelosi Says ‘Americans Are The Stupidest People On Earth’
Nancy Pelosi was caught while speaking to an aide in what she thought was a private conversation at a fundraiser last night in Illinois. But what she didn’t realize after she had left the stage was that the microphone clipped to her jacket was still on, making everything she said audible to the shocked and outraged audience…..and what she said revealed what kind of person she really is.
Pelosi had just delivered a rousing speech, promising the moon to potential donors and voters. Among her promises : full employment, peace on earth, free electricity supply to citizens, and a tax reduction down to 2%. These are all ridiculous proposals, of course. None of this is within the power of any one politician, much less simply a member of the House, but that didn’t stop her from guaranteeing they would be become reality with her reelection. And the democrat audience ate it up, seeming to believe every word.
But Nancy knew she was just blowing smoke. She was well aware that she couldn’t deliver on any of it, which led to this conversation with aide, Josephine B. Arron:
I can’t believe they cheered. Were they serious? They were, weren’t they? Un-frickin-believable.
Trump proved how dense republican voters are and I guess I just left no doubt that Democrats are the same.
Americans are the stupidest people on earth.
..all of that was heard by the fundraiser audience who proceeded to rip up the checks they had written to donate to her campaign.
Pelosi’s office declined comment when asked via telephone. Big surprise.
This just goes to show that Pelosi and the Democrats are the worst choice for America. They have no respect for the voting public and with this every citizen will know it.
Time to prosecute all Enemies of The United States.