This man is fantastically clear and well spoken when talking about such dark things. I hope he his getting heard by our good friends Down Under.
Comeon man, we don’t censor any content on our platforms.
… unless it violates our Community Guidlines.
Anon, did you use a computer to do that, or did you transcribe that naturallike? If the latter, nice work.
Thank you
Thanks, it’s a very well worded statement.
Not that i wouldn’t play his own recording, but might try reading it myself out loud to some people and make sure his name is there. Saying it to my friends in my voice, might really reach them even deeper.
Thanks again for the link.
Very interesting dig, anon.
Thank you.
Virginia herself has a unique relation to ‘the old country’, and yes Loudoun also is unique within Virginia. Often said that the diary WAS the biggest thing for the longest time… but has been edged out these last severally decades and almost gone. Loads of crap housing developments sprang up everywhere. Highest rate of university and college grades nation wide, but considering the state of higher learning these last decades, again would go a long way in explaining the schism between the long developed down to earth people vs. looney toons crapola. Greatest wealth. Incredibly fertile soil for agriculture. Four complete seasons. And, close enough to DC, that shittons of swampgas has drifted westward almost completely enveloping the whole thing, but not all.
Thank you for bringing the heraldry info.
Very interesting.
Read this anons…
Lots of our innocent good friends and family have unfortunately ‘pickedup’ many of these ‘tricks’ subconsciously by osmosis in pop culture.
Our friends and family do a lot of this subconsciously in self-protection of their own ego and acquired world view (not genuinely their own). So when dealing with people, it is very difficult to first NOT jump to conclude they are acting on behalf of [them], but rather hijacked, zombie-like. And second, cognitive dissonance is at hand and needs to be dealt with gently, for loved ones.
For those who’ve specifically trained and KNOWINGLY deploy these ‘tricks’… may the force be with us and cut them to ribbons.
Read this anons…
Lots of our innocent good friends and family have unfortunately ‘pickedup’ many of these ‘tricks’ subconsciously by osmosis in pop culture.
Our friends and family do a lot of this subconsciously in self-protection of their own ego and acquired world view (not genuinely their own). So when dealing with people, it is very important to first NOT jump to conclude they are acting on behalf of [them], but rather hijacked, zombie-like. And second, cognitive dissonance is at hand and needs to be dealt with gently, for loved ones.
For those who’ve specifically trained and KNOWINGLY deploy these ‘tricks’… may the force be with us and cut them to ribbons.
Will do.
Serious arms and upper body strength. Two minutes of fuel seems plenty.