>DOJ's Dark Web hunt for Drug pushers
FBI and Partners Target Online Drug Markets
I find it highly insulting the way this FBI spokesperson talks down to the public here suggesting that he and his FED partners actually give a fuck about the health and well being of those who purchase these drugs on the dark-web. They don’t! Truth be told, behind closed doors, these assholes hope the public demand remains strong because it justifies their ever expanding federal budgets each year.
It reminds me of the huge outdoor “marijuana crop” burns conducted annually by Nebraska law enforcement and televised on the evening news back in the early 90’s when I was going to graduate school in Wyoming. But it wasn’t really “marijuana” that they were burning. It was worthless “ditch weed” growing wild each year ever since Hemp was farmed there for fiber crops (for rope and canvas) during the 1940’s war effort.
Most of the real marijuana back then came up from small indoor grow operations in Colorado or from large outdoor operations in Mexico with the longer needed grow season. Everyone knew what was really going on, but Nebraska police didn’t even blush while burning ditch weed and raking in millions in federal subsides annually for the War on (some) Drugs.
I say “some” drugs because the institutional forces that started this decades old “War” are precisely the same institutional forces that conspire today to keep your doctor from prescribing you cheap, safe and effective “off label” cures (eg ivermectin, aspirin, HCQ) for COVID. Thats right! This War has never been waged to protect public health, though this is always the noble lie they proudly tell the public.
Quite the contrary, this war has always been about protecting market share for the institutionally privileged. This is why the Narcotics Bureau, which eventually became the DEA, was originally created by the Department of Treasury. It has never been about protecting public health. NEVER!