The USA (1787-1868) became an empire of the Jesuits upon passage of the 14th Amendment, which took the freedom (rights) from the states and gave all power to the federal government. It has been this way since 1868 when the Bill of Rights became the Bill of Privileges, privileges that are at the behest of the SCOTUS ultimately. If the SCOTUS, currently compose of 5 Catholic members who are most assuredly loyal Jesuits, decides you/we no longer have the right to free speech, or to bear arms, then so it is. That’s our reality.
“No system of representative government can be long maintained by any people who have not the intelligence to understand it, the patriotism to approve it, and the virtue to maintain inviolate both its forms and principles as established.”
—A Constitutional View of the Late War Between The States by Alexander H. Stephens
“The 14th Amendment is for consolidation and empire”.