Let those BCG's tingle your naughty bits.
Chek't. AF Academy issue. Her shit is Congressionally appointed.
Nah you never had a chance bro. She was banging some low-life Colorado Springs musician or worse, a 2LT platoon leader from Carson ten minutes after she chek't in.
She's totally a Prell girl. Dig the eye-contact with the camera confidence. Yeah she's a bad girl. I bet she could suck start a Duramax.
[They] did a study and found similar results among pot takers. I'm up to a quarter ounce a day now.
Also excellent barter goods for ammunition and other stuff.
chek't. Mary Jane and Tobacco will be as good as cash money if SHTF. If you have access to seed, you might want store some up for just in case.
Should've used NordVPN anon.
Not sure. Anon has steady connections.