RGB was a :39
>>14862509 PB
>clock goes backwards for those posts, no?
Not sure what you mean by that. Those dates are on the clock graphic but those Q posts are not included in the graphics on q-clock.com
RGB was a :39
>>14862509 PB
>clock goes backwards for those posts, no?
Not sure what you mean by that. Those dates are on the clock graphic but those Q posts are not included in the graphics on q-clock.com
Today's marker has an 11/11 on it.
Kind of a big date/address/delta.
This was from yesterday but probably applies all week.
Lets get this snowball rolling.
Couple moar.
A :38 showed up on the CP clock.
Another ClockFag has an intradesting prediction for the first week of November at Clockwork Qrange.
I try to follow Yogi Berra's observations on predictions.
Just cause the 107 post counter made my LOL I present the BIG 1:07 QClock
Ya think? KEK.
This isn't just about words. Arrests will happen when they are planned. Will be glorious.
NordVPN got me posting again after a month long absence but I have no doubt the letter people still know who/where I am.