T y for baking. You’re ok in my book. :)
Good times ahead.. let’s goooooo…..
Nice! My second favorite kind.
> I think this is the dark winter.
Forgot to add. My gut tells me things will happen a lot quicker than we think. Start preparing today, if you haven’t already…do not put it off. Try to do or learn at least one thing a day, whether it’s a new skill, preparing, or learning how to do without something. There’s nothing to be afraid of anons, if you’re prepared. Fear is the biggest enemy and self sufficiency is what “they” don’t want us to have.
>barter goods
Precisely. All sorts of things can be bartered. This is where anons can excel… think outside the box. Call me crazy but we have tons of boxes of Depends to trade (bought cheap at a estate sale from a deceased lady).
In a pinch, you can cut up t shirts and either throw away or wash. Don’t panic anons.
You’re good. See?
>[obvious attempt to justify never-ending booster shots]
Will be “required” monthly for vaxxed to stay alive. Wrongthink will end your booster = death.