WA State Vax Verification ‘Toolkit’ Published: Never Go Full Retard
ICYMI >>14855740 pb #18791
If you have a sense of humor and 5 minutes to spare, have a look at this idiotic ‘toolkit’ published by the public health department of King County WA (Seattle) to guide businesses in how to brainwash the public into submitting to a newly imposed vax mandate (order) to enter certain businesses and events.
None of this ‘toolkit’ marxism applies to this anon because I have a ‘disability,’ that is to say I HAVE A SEVERE HEALTH REACTION TO ANY AND ALL VARIANTS OF TYRANNY.
Thus, my ‘disability’ allows me full, unfettered access to all business, services and events as a result of the following:
Pg. 21 - “Individual asks about accommodations for people with disabilities
Please keep in mind that some people with disabilities may not have access to their vaccine information. If a person declares or is perceived to have a disability and cannot provide proof of vaccine, verbal communication of their vaccination status should be accepted instead of physical proof of vaccination. For people with disabilities who are unvaccinated, a verbal declaration that they have received a negative COVID-19 test within the past 3 days should be accepted.’’
Pg. 18 - “Remember, businesses should not question anyone's disability nor must they investigate the validity of a customer's stated exemption. Businesses must also never treat a customer differently based on their race, color, ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, age, religion, creed, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, weight or height.”
And my favorite, pg. 22 - “Business suspects customer is providing fake vaccine verification or COVID-19 test. This is a trust-based order. Businesses should uphold to the best of their ability and not get in an altercation.”
Link: https://e8a7c12b-bd8f-4032-85f9-1ff5f0a893d6.filesusr.com/ugd/fe0296_7fa5f2a00d364e3e8b42c20fec99aa2f.pdf