What numberJournolist we up to now?
Enemy of the people.
>>14864025 Establishment Media Shut Down Secret Chat Room Coordinating Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Document Releases
What numberJournolist we up to now?
Enemy of the people.
>>14864025 Establishment Media Shut Down Secret Chat Room Coordinating Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Document Releases
trying to line up Tweets, Q drops and Habbenings.
News unlocks the map
Future proves past
Red October
Actors Acting
Eric Bolling
Billy Graham RIP
Red October
Parkland - Cruz gets sentenced
Actors acting. Baldwin Caps someone
Eric twats RIP
DJT Jr twats Evergreen
which reminds me
Potus and Scavino trolling hard last year with an @Killary new Suprene Court Justice Birthday video
1 min17seconds long