the Illuminati are so utterly obsessed with bloodline, because
of this reptilian genetic code, that there was no way that someone
like Hitler would come to power in those vital circumstances for the
Illuminati, unless he was of the reptilian bloodline. If you look
elsewhere on this website you will see how the same bloodline has held
the positions of royal, aristocratic, financial, political, military,
and media power in the world for literally thousands of years. This is
the bloodline that has produced ALL 42 of the Presidents of the United
States since and including George Washington in 1789. It is the
bloodline of the runaway favourite to win the 2000 election, George W.
Bush. The World War Two leaders, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin,
were of the bloodline and also Freemasons and Satanists. They were
manipulated into office, and their country’s war effort funded, by the
Rothschilds and the other Illuminati bloodlines.
So are we to believe, therefore, that although this same group
provably funded Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and his war machine, that
he would be the odd one out, a leader of crucial importance to the
agenda who was NOT bloodline?
But hold on. Hitler couldn’t be the same bloodline as, say, the
Rothschilds because, as we all know, the Rothschilds are defenders of
Jewish people and Hitler slaughtered them, along with communists and
gypsies and others who opposed him or he wanted to eliminate. The
Rothschilds are Jewish, they’d never do that.
Oh really.
According to a book by a psychoanalyst, Walter Langer, called The Mind
of Hitler, not only was Hitler supported by the Rothschilds, he WAS a
Rothschild. This revelation fits like a glove with the actions of the
Rothschilds and other Illuminati bloodlines in Germany who brought
Hitler to the fore as dictator of that nation. He was also supported
by the British Royal Family, the House of Windsor (in truth the German
House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), and these included the British royal “war
hero”, Lord Mountbatten, a Rothschild and a Satanist. Their royal
relatives in Germany, who you would never have thought would normally
support an apparent guy from the street like Hitler, were among his
most enthusiastic supporters. But, of course, they knew who he really
was. There is no way in the world when you do any study of the
Illuminati obsession with bloodline that Hitler would not have been
one of them. Langer writes: