>Charter of Rights and Freedoms Edition
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is written in the fiction language of the adverb-verb/adjective-pronoun. Even if it was not, which it is, it only grants rights to Officers=Fictions of the corporation and that comes with whatever obligations (they) set forth. In other words, you can't win! Unless (they) let you win. So you're still a slave.
For the CANADA-CONSTITUTION set up by these people with :Russell is written in the Quantum-Grammar-Construct which is based in fact and cannot be lawfully side stepped. >>14751936. >>14751166. >>14708456. >>14766965. >>14855664. : It starts with the Claim-of-the-Life. >>14863399. For the Make-You of the Fact which (they) can't-[ig]nor. :CONTRACT-IS-LAW.