anime was introduced when I first started baking, iirc
don't remember you baking before then
summer of 19
anime was introduced when I first started baking, iirc
don't remember you baking before then
summer of 19
I don't assume anything
just tryin to remember when I first saw anime baking
member the girls jumpin in and conversing, witty and qool then
only 3?
I've done a couple of ebakes after midnight
you aren't as flaming and driven this round
easier to handle as baker I think
I never paid attention to bakers till there weren't any and I learned so nearly 18 months in before I even started
hard to believe 4 years gone
been guud though and not over yet
you been a shill a long time huh
prolly need some reeducation n sheitz
mabbe new career
do ya code?