no serious individual takes this place seriously
it's just a place to fuck with kikes and boomers
no serious individual takes this place seriously
it's just a place to fuck with kikes and boomers
like this is a jew.
this is an obvious jew.
they are a mod
they have been a mod since /cbts/
they are still here
this is a paid jew
this is a bot
if you talk to a bot without knowing it then you are a target for the individuals who run this board
this is what is called separating the chaff from the wheat
this is either a stupid fucking boomer or the shill that operates the pig bot
could go either way
i mean you all unironically post on a board ostensibly dedicated to Q that is unapologetic ally run by the BO that Q said was comped and you literally have no problem with this because you're all the stupidest fucking people on the internet
it's so pathetic it's actually sad
i just really hope some of you stupid fucks begin to realize how easily you were played
and i hope you use that resultant rage to good purpose
because the kikes that run this shit are laughing at you 24/7
just join their discord
see for yourself
they're just mocking you at this point
as would i
if i were jewish and paid to psyop boomers that the nsa and jfk jr was going to save them
but you're too fucking stupid to understand that
so they continue to mock you
you see how this works?
do you see how the internet works, you dumb fucking boomer?
i mean look at this response
honestly read it and look at the "meme"
is this an anon from the dark web?
how fucking stupid are you people
you are being played
you are being herded
jews hate being called out as jews especially when they are the BO and the BV