TYVM, Baker!
Kek! total shillstorm last bread, or did I get something wrong?
Just returned a few mins ago and bread was full of complaints about "Mr Pig is chinese", "muh jews" and "muh pedo anime shill"
As if anyone would even care what they post …
What did miss? Did the aliens visit finally?
Thanks fren, my bad. Apologies!
of course …. funny that even this aged anon didn't think about it or put much importance to it.
Guess the least thing I can do now is thank the shills for the reminder.
>time flies
Like the breads oftentimes
4 yrs, 18809+ breads, almost 15 million posts
I'll use this occasion: Thanks Bakers, Anons, Q(+), Ron & Jim!
Almost feels like I could be proud of us!
>killed my boner before it could arrive
Kek! Be honest. Everybody knows dogs get a boner even on so little as fucking leather boots, no matter who wears them.