host not available on multiple ports.
resolves as 'softlayer'. is owned by 'ibm cloud'.
if ftp, if telnet - need more info. spoof source? leave alone?
unconventional port? scan turns up zero.
host not available on multiple ports.
resolves as 'softlayer'. is owned by 'ibm cloud'.
if ftp, if telnet - need more info. spoof source? leave alone?
unconventional port? scan turns up zero.
mirror of that ip? not up, belongs to iran, not russia.
can't get to it either, any ports. last available handoff in italy.
my opinion - ibm cloud address holds backup. q thinks we can get to it. mirror address is red herring. but that's my opinion.
very good.
do we have this on a map? will try to find it myself, if not. i mean - it's obvious from wheel, just curious what else is around there. worth charting their path?