More digging on Stefan Halper & his Virginia Farm
Seems he and a couple of close Cambridge buds had a hissy and quit some spy club because they were worried about "Russian influence"
Odd because A) it was a completely OPEN foeum and B) Cambridge got their peepee slapped after the RUSSIAN Kim Philby spy ring was exposed.
Looking through Wikileaks, "Halper" shows up 345 times. Remember he goes back to Nixon times, so can't just search recent.
Halper could have been a Russian double for long time.
With Brennan be8ng a Commie moslem, no shocker to see others of either stripe aboot.
Brennan is shakin like a leaf on a limb. He's twatting to beat the band.
This Halper Joker (search (stephen,stephan, & steven in edition to "stefan, Hillary's team misspelled his name) was also visiting Japanese military in 2014 (under what color of authority?)
Looks like the OLD fat fuck wasn't retired.