deep state predictive programming against Q?
Neuschwaben NAZI base …
>==does epstein island have some thermal nuclear reactor?
there are lot of underground levels below the Moloch temple, Q told us that much …
maybe also a nuclear reactor
>they're both from lb. you're thinking one is the Q1 post when they're both just the same post
there are no coincidences … either it's fuckery or COMM
>where are the chess-shills ?
>where are the christ-fags and bible-fags ?
>where is the pig ?
>where is OSS ?
>where is e-bot and finkelstein and muh-jew ?
>where is muh-dick ?
>where is Freddy ?
>where is Toots ?
>where are the attack and division shills ?
>where is the gore-porn ?
>where are the glow-nigga's ?
Ubi sunt (literally "where are… [they]") is a rhetorical question taken from the Latin Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt?, meaning "Where are those who were before us?" Ubi nunc…? ("Where now?") is a common variant.[1]
Sometimes interpreted to indicate nostalgia, the ubi sunt motif is actually a meditation on mortality and life's transience.
Ubi sunt is a phrase which originally derived from a passage in the book of Baruch (3:16–19) in the Vulgate Latin Bible beginning Ubi sunt principes gentium? "Where are the princes of the nations?" It became commonplace in medieval literature.
Old English
A general feeling of ubi sunt radiates from the text of Beowulf. The Anglo-Saxons, at the point in their cultural evolution in which Beowulf was written, expressed in their poetry an inescapable feeling of doom, symptomatic of ubi sunt yearning. By conquering the Romanized Britons, they were faced with massive stone works and elaborate Celtic designs that seemed to come from a lost era of glory (called the "work of giants" in The Ruin).
Prominent ubi sunt Anglo-Saxon poems are The Wanderer, Deor, The Ruin, and The Seafarer (all part of a collection known as the Exeter Book, the largest surviving collection of Old English literature).[4]
The Wanderer most clearly exemplifies Ubi sunt poetry in its use of the erotema (the rhetorical question):
Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago? Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu? Hwær sindon seledreamas?
[…] Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm, swa heo no wære.[5]
Where is the horse gone? Where the rider? Where the giver of treasure?
Where are the seats at the feast? Where are the revels in the hall?
J. R. R. Tolkien begins Aragorn's poem Lament for the Rohirrim (in The Two Towers) with the phrase taken from the Anglo-Saxon Wanderer and continues with a series of Ubi sunt motifs
Patriots in control … Bidan's regime has been very belligerent against Chyna and increasing tensions
>>>14874329 (You)
>No, I mean they literally can't because the sites have a different format.
if we exclude what is impossible what remains is the truth. there are no coincidences
tyrant = Bidan?
so, what next?
Patriots are in control of the future that proves the past.
Q team has the Project Looking Glass = foreknowledge
Patriots, meaning anons, have the control what will happen.
The Deep State is no match for Anon Power.
POTUS is getting stronger …
New York publishing company liberals [knowingly] chose a photo in which Trump looks like any other mouth breather
I'm not saying it's META ..
think logically.
what evidence is there for Zuck the Cuck being a natural human being?
>feminists are losing bigly
they don't realize it, except the so called TERFs ….
the cops are manhandling an antivaxx trad kike/amish … who are we supposed to be cheering for?
>DWACW (warrants) increased $4.79 today to closing atv$37.04, gone up to $37.60 with 4,973,865 people trading right now.
>Impressive, quite impressive
meme stocks are good for shorting