October 28, 2021 TRUTH OVER NEWSsharecomments Save
Steele’s Refusal to Disavow Dossier Creates Problems for Corporate Media | Truth Over News
Christopher Steele’s recent interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos was the long-planned opportunity for Steele to provide reasonable answers to the obvious flaws contained within his dossier.
Steele’s dossier, which was actually manipulated political disinformation masquerading as raw intelligence, has been disproven on virtually all fronts—including before the High Court in London. And the media that relentlessly promoted his dossier desperately needed a plausible excuse for having done so. Steele was supposed to provide that excuse in his interview.
A new narrative was already in the process of being subtly established—one where the corporate media and the intelligence community’s false reporting could be blamed on Russian disinformation. And they needed Steele to come on board.
But instead, Steele chose to double-down on his dossier, ignoring obvious facts in the process. This has created material problems for the corporate media and the intelligence community.