The further back we go, the more tangled the web is, and I had to slog through many hours of contradictory histories, making little or no headway. But I expected no less, since my method in newer fakes required the same sort of sifting of contradictory evidence. I have found thatthe only way to discover the truth is to lean many lies against one another, watching how they fall into a heap. It is also useful weighing the lies against the known outcomes. By seeing what the lies lead to, you can often discover the point of the lies. Once you understand why the various parties are lying, you can sift out the likely truth.
So you have to understand that the Jews had very real grievances. If they hated both Rome and the aristocracy, I think you can understand why. What we are going to see is a long-running war, one in which the Jews prevailed (in many ways) against ferocious odds. They did this with incredible cunning, long-term planning, and—often—superior intelligence (or should we say, superior Intelligence).
This doesn't mean I am on their side. In fact, I am not. I am not on anyone's side, especially a group that has relied so heavily on lies and deception. But the Jews have no monopoly on lying or deception. All sides have deceived one another and themselves at all times, and to the honest historian history now begins to look like a swamp with very few heroes.
I have shown in previous papers that the financiers and their accomplices have destroyed art in the 20th century on purpose, and I can never forgive them for that. They have destroyed many others things it would have been best to have kept. But we will see here that they have also been responsible for creating other useful and beautiful things, so, again, it becomes harder to judge the more you know. Although I am ferociously opposed to the current schemes and regimes, it may be that the rise of the financiers was a necessary step in the cultural evolution of our species. It has been a swamp, assuredly, but perhaps a swamp we had to wade.
Drain The Swamprefers to much, much more than Washington, DC.