>>1487988 CHEKEK'D
THAT dude is a provocateur…stomping on the Israeli flag in his videos? Really?
Yeah, that won't make us look bad at all. (smdh)
maybe in your liddle niggerbrain he's a hewo, but to everyone else he's a fucking kook.
Total loser. kek
Not ALL jews are bad.
fair enough…I judge people by their actions..no more, no less.
For instance, Jared Kushner seems like a solid dude, since he's been doing yeoman's work on the ME peace process. His wife, Ivanka (daughter of GEOTUS), seems pretty solid, too. Kek!
Not exactly people I would consider "kikes" in the context of the way we communicate here (or anywhere else, for that matter).
The arrogant and smart-mouthed, though? I've met plenty of (((them))), and their actions generally match their attitudes/words.
Whatever…that Patrick Little guy is a (((faggot))), and he's not going to win.
kekekek…I was baking one night, and some dude kept asking where all the dough was…dumas had me filtered.