1984 and/or brave new world?
carrot and the stick for control.
Hedonistic Utilitarianism
"A utilitarian theory which assumes that the rightness of an action depends entirely on the amount of pleasure it tends to produce and the amount of pain it tends to prevent. Bentham's utilitarianism is hedonistic. Although he describes the good not only as pleasure, but also as happiness, benefit, advantage, etc., he treats these concepts as more or less synonymous, and seems to think of them as reducible to pleasure. John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism, also described as hedonistic, differs importantly from Bentham's in taking some pleasures to be higher than other ones, so that when considering the values of the consequences of an action, not only the quantity but also the quality of pleasure has to be considered. This complicates the summing up, or may even make it impossible."
The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy
ed. Thomas Mautner
ISBN 0-14-051250-0
Is it Brave New World or 1984? Here are a few dystopias we ALREADY live in
Helen Buyniski
Helen Buyniski
is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Follow her on Twitter @velocirapture23 and on Telegram
1 Apr, 2020 17:32
23-Nov-2017 8:12:46 PM PSTQ !ITPb.qbhqo4ch/pol
Who is Betsy D?
Why is she relevant?
Expand your thinking.
21-Dec-2017 5:18:38 PM PSTAnonymous8ch/cbts
Track CEO resignations.
05-Nov-2017 4:17:35 PM PSTAnonymous4ch/pol
14.5995° N, 120.9842° E
In 2014, after seeing an Al Jazeera America documentary about 8chan creator Fredrick Brennan, Watkins told his father, Jim Watkins, about Brennan.[18][1] The imageboard had recently taken off in popularity after it was adopted by proponents of the Gamergate controversy, and Brennan was having trouble keeping up with server costs.[15][16] The elder Watkins contacted Brennan to offer a partnership, and in 2014, Brennan moved to Manila in the Philippines to work for him. In 2014, Jim Watkins became the official owner and operator of 8chan.[1] Ron Watkins began working on the site every day.[18] Brennan remained the site administrator until 2016, at which time he relinquished the role and Watkins took up the position.[1]
After high school, Watkins moved to China.[2] Watkins lived with his father in Manila in the Philippines in the 2010s.[18][8] As of January 2021, Watkins was living in Japan;[46] in October 2021 he moved to Arizona.[51]