Colostomy bag?
Anon wears sunglasses most days because am such a phag from no sleep and crying like a wuss over the stolen election…. Don’t want anyone to see anons tired eyes and mistake it for pots
>Tremendous Pain within the Source
You can say that again. Anon feels it everyday and has for quite some time. It’s exponentially gotten worse over the past four years. Anon just feels pain nonstop. Anon theorizes it comes from the macro and plays out in the micro. It sucks so bad. Anon feels it all
Woulda glanced at those hose hounds back when anon didn’t know what was going on. Still don’t but she is far too old now to enjoy a been-glance
>smelly puss
Psaki’s puss smells like cheese doodles caught in the rain and fermenting in the next-days hot sun
By their stance and posture it’s like they were being matched out against their will. This seems like a reverse eff eff to expose the games that have been going on for years
>Addressed from her brother/husband?
Yeah. Exactly. Chances are they sent it to themselves. Their games are failing.
>last time
With mom and pop businesses failing even dems won’t stand for their shops to be destroyed again if their not in on it. Hope it doesn’t happen because that was a hurtful time. If it does …well fuck…not sure. Just know people won’t stand for it much longer.
That’s for LEO’s to handle. They’ve had enough already. Just grab some beer and hang out in the woods until the smoke clears. Those rioters are a bunch of cunts and anon can’t imagine police and other agencies will take it much longer