Neither of you idiots are talking to who you think you're talking to.
I've done my part. It's not my fault you're all too retarded to do what you're supposed to do for me.
Q: Are there anyoffbeatSuperman stories from the comics that you’d especially love to see in film? I always loved Mark Millar’sRed Son, where Superman lands in theSoviet Union instead of Kansas…
A: I think theoffbeatstories are great, and I readRed Sonin particular before I did Man of Steel, to get an idea of the baseline of the character because despite the fact that it’soffbeatand he’s grown up ina completely different environment, the character is still, at it’s very core, the same thing, and I love that. I think what’s important now is to tell a story which is dedicated to sharing the same character in the comic books in the cinematic universe, and then after that’s been established, then we can start exploring some more of theoffbeatstuff.
BINGEWORTHY SCOTS "I watched a TV show recently that I thought was absolutely spectacular: Outlander. It's so good I watched it from beginning to end in almost one night. I couldn't stop.Jamie is a Scottish Superman, for sure!