The petition on 5/26 has only 5868 signatures. Two days ago it had 5495 signatures. That's a gain of 183 signatures per day. The petition is well on the way to failure just as the 2 that we've attempted before this one have failed. This is not due to a lack of enthusiasm or support. This movement has been hijacked and it is being sabotaged.
I think you know must know as well as I do that we have way more than enough support to get 100K signatures on that petition in a month, and yet twice before now we haven't even come close.
This is not due to a lack of success in collecting signatures. I believe the petition is being deliberately derailed by fake MAGA supporters each time we put it up. I also believe that there's someone who actually has the ability to in some way electronically hijack the WH petition process. Let me share the observations I've made that lead me to these conclusions.
We successfully gained almost 400,000 signatures on our petition to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization earlier this year.
Our support base has grown, not shrunk.
The left has over 1 million signatures on a petition to force POTUS to disclose his tax returns. I saw that petition close at nearly 200K signatures earlier this year. How did it get to 1 million signatures now?
The first IBOR petition finished with less than 6000 signatures in March of this year. I noticed that someone was running a 2nd petition with different language from the one put out by the QAnons that had been put up 2 or 3 days later. They both failed with less than 6000 signatures.
When the QAnon petition failed I immediately copied the exact same text and republished it the same day it failed determined to personally shepherd it through the process but with close monitoring.
My followers started contacting me to say that they were confused about a 2nd petition being circulated (again). I saw the 2nd petition, which had changed the language to advocate rights for conservatives only. I didn't want to bog the movement down in a fight over petitions so I signed the second one and advised my followers to sign both.
One of the people circulating the second petition retweeted the QAnon version that I was circulating with a message to say that I was circulating the wrong petition, that it should be disregarded and only the one he was circulating should be signed.
I contacted him and asked that he retract his misleading message. That I was recirculating the original petition, that his was the new one and that I was asking followers to sign both to avoid confusion and he could do the same if he wished. He did not stop obstructing.
The people pushing the alt petition never had as many as 300 followers but on the 3rd day the petition they were circulating had 13,000 signatures. I have more than 12K followers but the one I was circulating didn't have 200 signatures on the 3rd day. If they were on the up and up, why would they be discouraging anyone from signing both petitions?
The original version finished with a little over 500 signatures in 30 days. Something was obstructing the signature captures on the WH site.
Q made a new post referencing IBOR on 5/15 and I was preparing to again republish the original petition but I checked first and lo and behold, somebody had immediately put up an IBOR petition again using different language from that which was used in the original QAnon petition published on 2/3. This language is really bad, worse than the first modification in that it asks for 'rights' that are not in fact rights.
We do not have a 'right' to all the best technology available. We have a right to access the internet without invasion of privacy, freedom of speech or censorship.
We do not have a right to a special counsel. What purpose would a special counsel even serve sitting on taxpayers dime every day watching the internet to prosecute who?
Report to congress on what? Having a special counsel could in fact further compromise internet rights. Placing so much power in 'a person' politically appointed who could sit and do nothing while serving as an obstruction to anyone else doing anything because the special counsel is responsible would not further internet rights.
If we get enough signatures on it we would have accomplished nothing as the demands it makes could not be granted even through legislation.
The original language used for the petition published on 2/3 is perfect. I think we need to go back to it and republish. We also need to figure out how the WH site is being compromised. I sent requests for answers using the WH petition site process to raise a concern and got no response.