You will strongly want to include the ability to repair, fix, reverse engineer and basically OWN your own device.
A lot of companies give you devices with nasty 'as a service' contract where you don't technically own your own device. This is a MAJOR STUMBLING BLOCK TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Imagine, for example, your device was restricted in a way, or, as is the case with a lot of Android phones, had agreements in place with companies (IE Facebook) to siphon off your data.
Your only options at present are: jailbreak and void warranty, possibly even lose cell service, or comply with the data slurp, spying and restrictions.
The inability to repair a device means more and more devices will be SEALED SHUT and CONTAIN PHYSICAL BACKDOORS, including, but not limited to, ALWAYS ON GPS, MICROPHONES, CAMERAS, INFRARED SENSORS. Mandating a device MUST BE REPAIRABLE allows you to TAKE IT APART and PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE DEVICE, for things such as HARDWARE BASED BACKDOORS.
Otherwise, the IBOR is circumventable with the line that 'it's owned by a private company, they can do whatever they want'. If, however, a device must be fully owned by the person who purchases (IE you) without reprisal, and the device can be repaired (read: taken apart and analysed), hardware based tracking becomes substantially more difficult: pop open phone, burn a hole in the tracking device (or remove it and use it as evidence to sue their balls off for violation of your rights).
You may also want to make sure the laws apply to both private and public entities.
Remember, the constitution went through numerous drafts, revisions and improvements before it became a widely accepted thing.