>Death Blossom
C19…….womp womp womp
Australia's govt looks like fools to the rest of the world. Normal people are laughing at their actions.
World leaders rip their masks off after photo shoot.
>biden surely is a piece of shit,
and the US.mil salutes it
q wasn't kidding…..these people are stupid
Alec Baldwin speaks out on side of the road… Loses patience with his wife…
They thought people would be afraid and rush to get the nwo poison. Like always they were wrong.
Mandate Meltdown: 26 NYC Firestations Shuttered, LA Sheriff Warns Of 'Mass Exodus', Tucson Water District Faces 'Staff Shortage'
The bigger part of the “Let’s Go Brandon!” gag is that such outbursts during the Trump years were not only not condemned, they were celebrated, as pundits and reporters for the first time told us directly profane insults of presidents were okay. “Robert de Niro’s Comments at the Tony Awards Go Viral,” was CNN’s bemused take, in a story quoting artist Ferrari Shepard saying, “Robert de Niro is my favorite rapper.”
Juliette Kayyem
If @SouthwestAir doesn’t do anything, every passenger on that flight has standing to file a complaint with the @FAANews and they should do so. Southwest will then be compelled to investigate or defend him. Have fun with that. No messing around in the air. Bright line rule.
Mother of all lawsuits
Trust the experts excuse
McAuliffe: Parents Should Not Pick School Books — ‘We Have Experts’ Who Do That
I am fren just like you
It is now mandatory to show evidence of TB vax
>Lib Media Tries to Get Southwest Pilot Fired