Anonymous ID: e31844 May 20, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.1489609   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I used to find it off putting as much as POTUS talks about the moon landings.

We can't get past the Van Allen belts nor can any other planet that life has evolved on (without the belts life would probably never happens or would not evolve into intelligence because planet would have constant radiation bombardment)

Per NASA reports highest shuttle mission orbit ever Discovery 1997[modern day shuttle and protections] put astronauts within 600 miles of the Van Allen belts all had ill side effects (shooting stars running through their closed eye visions)

you can't tell me that in 1969 we sent a tin can running on a calculator through them with no effects what so ever. (astronauts most likely would be dead in hours)

Then I realized why POTUS is really mentions the moon landing often.

Clowns killed JFK then turned his dreams into a lie and a movie to mock him and the world.

JFK grave site path around it makes a HUGE Q when viewing from 40,000.

JFK prayer every single day in OO.

Multiple JFK references.

Release of most the JFK files

Messages sent messages received.

We didn't forget. Pain incoming fucking clowns.