This is a 2020 article referring to a couple of incidents in 2019. 4 rotor drone swarms hovering over THAAD missile batteries, which are our front line missile defense in the region.
Anons may remember similar stories from a few years ago, mysterious drone swarms over Colorado. Other drone swarms over nuclear power plants. Recent drone or helicopter surveillance flights over Texas.
All of these are 'unidentified', and so far have not been defended against. Anon has repeatedly said we are not at risk of a land invasion….however an asymmetrical tactic like an armed drone is another story. Lets jump right to conclusions and assume this is a state actor like China behind these swarms. Launched and recovered from Chinese companies on US soil, or cargo ships off the coast.
In the event of any kind of hot war, this type of strategy could deliver some crippling first blows. Advanced bombers and fighters are great, but they won't be able to stop a drone swarm from destroying a nuclear power plant.