How's Anon's Halloween going?
I just moved to a new State and bought 6 bags of candy. No one showed up.
600? Dang, you must live in the good candy neighborhood.
I was hoping that at least my neighbors would come by.
I went across town to get some groceries around 8. No one out. Think they all went to a different neighborhood.
I moved to a good red state and a small rural town surrounded by small farms. There's year round fireworks, so I'm expecting a good 4th. Big church community, so probably a lot of church events instead of door-to-door activity. I'll have to see what's around here if any charities want it.
Nice! TN? I'm not far. Will have to break out my 30-30 Winchester for my pumpkin.
F* Ted. I voted for his recall then got the hell out. Not in Kansas anymore
Thanks Anon, you made my night. Fucking KEK
That moment when you take your best swing and the dude just stands there and takes it.