Anonymous ID: 2b1567 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:17 p.m. No.14901824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880 >>1924

This being a free speech website, I'm a bit hesitant to bring up this topic. We are soon to have huge changes in societies of the world. Patriots everywhere are crying for change, willing to fight if necessary, even to die rather than live under tyranny. I'm right there with you all.

Steve Bannon, Salty Cracker, among others say we have to get involved in politics, create free media, to be part of the process of change. I agree with them. We have allowed the leftists to take over important roles in molding societies across the planet. Most importantly, moral people have to take back education at all levels.

Not everyone is equipped to go into politics(even a school board) or rebuild a free media, but we can all become moral citizens. Even the founders of the USA said the US Constitution will only work with a moral citizenry. Of note, the Roman Empire imploded from gross immorality and free giveaways ala democrats in the US. They blew themselves up. That is what the leftists are trying to do to every nation on the planet.

Are each one of you willing to change to stop tyranny, because if you are not, you are part of the problem. EACH one of us have to become truly moral. If we all remain the same the world just goes back to the mess we are in right now.

And it all starts with language. If you know a little about the history of cinema you know that back in 1939 Rhett Butler said, "quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"(or something like that) in Gone With the Wind. Audiences gasped when ol' Rhett said "damn." Now we see "Fuck Joe Biden" everywhere and no one flinches. All in 92 years. In the lifetime of your aging parents/grandparents/great-grandparents.

I am all in for free speech so, no, I am NOT calling for censorship. But, the truth is, if we do not make changes personally, the consequences are, this, what is happening now, recurring.

I see a lot of people on here talking about God and Jesus, about angels and demons. Do you consider, when you look at prons or x rated stuff, what kind of spirit you invite into your home? Exposing your family? How about accepting homosexual and tranny behavior, about accepting your cousin cheating on his/her spouse? What kind of spirit do you attract when you say all that immorality is ok? Oh, of course, kids are off limits, abortion is off limits, but once you've invited the wicked spirits into YOUR home, you think they care what you think? Those spirits WILL oppress you, influence your thinking, your kids' thinking, whoever is in the home.

I am one sensitive to spirits, and yeah, I still have an issue with cussing when I get angry. That is something I will stop. I have a sister who is a lesbian. For decades I told her it was ok. Then, 10 years ago I became a Christian. My sister pushed the topic of her being gay and me being a Christian. She asked, I suppose you think what I do in bed with my girlfriend is a sin? I had to be honest and said, yes. I said it in love, because if I continue approving her sin, I'm helping to send her to hell. Other than that who she goes to bed with is her business. I still love her, she is my sister. But, frens, if we don't tell people they are sinning against God, we are giving them a free pass to eternal torment. And it allows immorality to rage. And, no, I'm not calling for cancel culture. Some people just have to know what they are doing is wrong, and stated with love, as I did with my sister, it opens a dialogue.

Freedom is precious. It also calls for each person to be responsible. We have to look at end results and consequences of our words and actions. I am not "telling" anyone they must do what I've written here. I am asking for each of you to think about it. We got where we are by not thinking very much. If you decide what I've written here is crap, ok. I'm just asking you all to consider it.

You all have a blessed day/evening.